StartseiteAktuellesBekanntmachungenAusschreibung zur Förderung der Teilnahme am INCOBRA Brokerage Event Brasilien

Ausschreibung zur Förderung der Teilnahme am INCOBRA Brokerage Event Brasilien

Stichtag: 20.09.2017 Konferenzen/Tagungen Sonstige Ausschreibungen

Im Rahmen des INCOBRA Projekts, das vom EU-Förderprogramms Horizont 2020 finanziell unterstützt wird, findet eine Ausschreibung zu Reisekosten-Beihilfen für die Teilnahme am brasilianischen INCOBRA Brokerage Event 2017 in Belo Horizonte statt.

The Brazilian edition of the INCOBRA brokerage event will be organized in the framework of the 16th ANPEI Innovation Conference under the theme “Living Innovation in an Evolving World”, Expominas.

The event aims to create a space for networking between companies and innovation players from Brazil and the European Union (EU), focused on Advanced Manufacturing and Nano materials.

The objective is to assist participants with travel vouchers, aiming at establishing cooperation links between innovative actors from Europe and Brazil. On the other hand, beneficiaries must attend the cooperation scenarios presentation, run a minimum of five meetings during the Brokerage Event, attend the Horizon 2020 plenary session, and complete an activity and financial report for travel costs reimbursement.

The call will include a total of 20 beneficiaries: 10 Brazilians and 10 Europeans. Brazilian participants can get reimbursed up to 400 euros each, and Europeans can get reimbursed up to 1400 euros each, both covering only travel and accommodation expenses. Interested organizations need to express their interest by 20 September 2017 (11.59 pm BR).

Quelle: Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionsanlagen und Konstruktionstechnik IPK / Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Brasilien EU Global Themen: Förderung

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