StartseiteAktuellesEL.STAT. Griechische Behörde für Statistik - Griechenland

EL.STAT. Griechische Behörde für Statistik - Griechenland


The Hellenic Statistical Authority, mostly known by its acronym ELSTAT (Greek: ΕΛ.ΣΤΑΤ.), is an independent and autonomous authority in Greece that deals with the collection of data on behalf of the state. Prior to 2010, ELSTAT was a non-autonomous service of the Greek state known as the National Statistical Service of Greece (Greek: Εθνική Στατιστική Υπηρεσία).
The primary user of the Hellenic Statistical Authority is the Greek state. However, the Authority is also used by international organizations such as the European Commission (Eurostat) and others.

Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Griechenland Themen:
