StartseiteAktuellesEPWS - European Platform of Women Scientists

EPWS - European Platform of Women Scientists

Netzwerke in Forschung, Technologie und Innovation

The European Platform of Women Scientists (EPWS) is an international non-profit organisation that represents the needs, concerns, interests, and aspirations of more than 12.000 women scientists in Europe and beyond.

EPWS’ key assets with respect to other groups, institutions and initiatives in the field are its close links with the European community of women scientists in all disciplines, among them also gender specialists. These links are strengthened thanks to discussions with the members of the Association and through constant dialogue with EU research policy institutions and the Brussels science community, thus rendering EPWS a key strategic actor in the research policy debate.

EPWS facilitates a structured, informed, targeted and constructive dialogue between the community of women scientists and research policy makers at EU level, addressing national, European and international institutions. EPWS monitors, evaluates and comments on the policy debate and the development and implementation of gender mainstreaming in the European Research Area. EPWS harnesses the needs, concerns, aspirations and interests of women scientists to develop a coordinated position on specific issues and promote the integration of the gender dimension in all areas of research policy in particular at a European level.

Adresse: Rue d'Arlon 38 B - 1000 Brüssel Belgien Quelle: EPWS Redaktion: von Miguel Krux, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: EU Themen: Netzwerke Ethik, Recht, Gesellschaft Fachkräfte
