The main objective of ERCIM is to contribute to a leading role of Europe in ICT:
- by building a European-wide, open network of centres of excellence in ICT;
- by excelling in research and by acting as a bridge to applications;
- by being internationally recognized as a major representative organisation in its field;
- by acting as an interface for the non-EU member institutions within the European Community and other international organisations;
- by cooperating with other international organisations in its field;
- by promoting cooperation in research, technology transfer, innovation and training.
The ERCIM community is supported by a Consortium of two bodies:
- ERCIM AISBL is an international non-profit association under Belgian law, carrying on the activities of ERCIM concerning collaborative research, networking, and support.
- ERCIM EEIG, the European Economic Interest Grouping, is responsible for managing the ERCIM Office and hosting the W3C European Host.