StartseiteAktuellesFlämischer Rat für Wissenschaft und Innovation

Flämischer Rat für Wissenschaft und Innovation


The Flemish Council for Science and Innovation (Vlaamse Raad voor Wetenschapsbeleid - VRWB) provides strategic advice to the Flemish Minister for Work, Economy, Innovation and, in extension also to the Flemish Government and the Flemish Parliament.

Furthermore, the VRWI is a unique meeting and discussion forum for both experts and representatives from the knowledge institutions, enterprise and civil society. In this way, The Council supports strategic policy making in Flanders.

Core Tasks

The Flemish Council for Science and Innovation:

  1. Provides strategic policy advice to the Flemish Minister for Work, Economy, Innovation and, in extension also to the Flemish Government and the Flemish Parliament;
  2. Conducts research concerning strategic science and innovation policy;
  3. Organises meeting and debate opportunities within the Council between various stakeholders from the science and innovation landscape;
  4. Communicates about its activities in order to enhance the impact of its advisory reports on policy and the work field alike.
Adresse: Flemish Council for Science and Innovation Koolstraat 35 B-1000 Brussels Belgium Quelle: Flämischer Rat für Wissenschaft und Innovation Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Belgien Themen: Innovation
