StartseiteAktuellesForskningscentret ved Hørsholm

Forskningscentret ved Hørsholm

Forschungseinrichtungen und -infrastruktur

Scion DTU helps innovative people and businesses realise their high-tech ideas - and commercialise them. As an international Science Park rooted in the university environment, we create the ideal framework for growth by providing access to buildings, facilities, services, consultancy and professional networks. With more than 180,000 sq metres in Hørsholm, at DTU Campus in Lyngby and in Science Park COBIS in Copenhagen, Scion DTU collaborates with more than 175 science-based companies and their 3.500 employees.

Adresse: Venlighedsvej 10 2970 Hørsholm Dänemark Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Dänemark Themen:
