StartseiteAktuellesFoundation Innove (Estland)

Foundation Innove (Estland)

Allgemeine und berufliche Bildung

Foundation Innove was established in 2003 by the Government of Estonia as a non-profit foundation. The Foundation is a legal person in private law that operates pursuant to the laws and other legislation of the Republic of Estonia and its statutes. The founder is the Republic of Estonia, whose rights as the founder  are exercised by the Ministry of Education and Research.

In 2003 the established foundation Innove took over the activities of the preceeding foundation called Vocational Education and Training Reform in Estonia (1995-2003).

In  2012 National Examination and Qualification Centre (NEQC) joined Foundation Innove. As a state agency it was established in 1997 by the Ministry of Education and Research. The main objective of the National Examination and Qualification Centre  was to implement the national education and language policy.

The main objective of the Foundation is to coordinate lifelong learning development activities and to implement relevant projects and the EU structural aid in a targeted and efficient manner.

Quelle: Foundation Innove Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Estland Themen:
