StartseiteAktuellesINCUBA Science Park Aarhus

INCUBA Science Park Aarhus

Forschungseinrichtungen und -infrastruktur

INCUBA Science Park supports innovation and growth of knowledge-based businesses. Their goal is to provide a home for innovative enterprises. They provide the facilities, the networks, and the sparring; and establish contact with the knowledge institutions of the region. INCUBA Science Park houses diverse types of businesses.

INCUBA Science Park houses diverse types of businesses. Start-ups thrive in harmony with more established companies. Development departments from major companies work alongside temporary projects. We consider diversity and commitment the leverage of mutual inspiration and growth.

Adresse: Åbogade 15 8200 Århus N Dänemark Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Dänemark Themen: Infrastruktur
