StartseiteAktuellesScience & Technology Australia

Science & Technology Australia

Forschungsorganisationen und Fachgesellschaften

Science & Technology Australia represents 68,000 scientists and technologists, and promotes their views on a wide range of policy issues to government, industry and the community.

The organisation was formed in late 1985, following substantial cuts to science in the 1984 Federal Budget. The then Minister for Science, Barry Jones, had at the time accused the science and technology community as being ‘wimpish’ in it’s lobbying and blamed the budget cuts accordingly.

Science & Technology Australia represents a vast array of professional interests within the field across Australia, with members including organisations such as the Australian Neuroscience Society, Australian Society for Biophysics, the Royal Australian Chemical Institute, the Australian Council of Deans of Science and the Women in Science Enquiry Network, amongst others.

The organisation contributes to discussions at the highest levels in policy-making in Australia and communicates with the highest level of government.

Redaktion: von Helena Lübbers, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Australien Themen: Fachkräfte
