The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic is central body of state administration of the Slovak Republic for the branch of statistics. Its status is given by the Act No. 575/2001 Code of Acts on Organizational Activity of Government and the Organization Central State Administration in wording of later regulations. The Office carries out tasks by the Act No. 540/2001 Code of Acts on State Statistics in wording of later regulations and tasks determined by next generally valid legal regulations. The SO SR operates as independent institution since January 1, 1993, the day of formation of the independent Slovak Republic.
The Office is leaded by president, who is appointed and removed by the President of the SR. The tenure of president of the office is given for 5 years. The SO SR has established the Statistical Council as permanent professional consultative body of the president of the office for the branch of state statistics. The head of the council is the president of the office, members are nominated experts from the branch of the statistical theory and practise.
Act of the National Council of the SR No. 540/2001 on State Statistics regulates criteria for statistical information collecting necessary for assessment of socio-economic developments, position and competencies of bodies executing state statistics, roles of public bodies in the field of state statistics, rights and obligations of reporting units, protection of confidential statistical data vis-a-vis their misuse, provision and disclosure of statistical data, ensuring comparability of statistical information and fulfilment commitments arising from international treaties or agreements in the field of state statistics mandatory for the Slovak Republic.