StartseiteAktuellesTDRI Thailand Entwicklungsforschungsinstitut

TDRI Thailand Entwicklungsforschungsinstitut


Thailand Development Research InstituteTDRI was established in 1984 to conduct policy research and disseminate results to the public and private sectors. TDRI is Thailand's first policy research institute; it was conceived, created and registered as a non-profit, non-governmental foundation and is recognized as such by the Royal Thai Government. The Institute provides technical and policy analysis that supports the formulation of policies with long-term implications for sustaining social and economic development in Thailand.

The Institute's research work usually are funded by users of TDRI research, mainly various local and foreign donors. In its earliest period, the Institute was funded by the following fundamental supporters—the National Economic and Social Development Board, the Department of Technical and Economic Cooperation, the Canadian International Development Agency, and the United States Agency for International Development.

The Institute's activities are broad in scope. To meet its objectives, the Institute established six research programs and a non-program research project. Each program is staffed with highly qualified scientists and policy analysts. The six TDRI Programs are: Human Resources and Social Development, International Economic Relations, Macroeconomic Policy, Natural Resources and Environment, Science and Technology Development, and Sectoral Economics. Supporting facilities to the research programs are provided by three non-research divisions, namely the Information Services Division, the Financial Services Division, and the Administrative Services Division.

TDRI is governed by a Council of Trustees and a Board of Directors. The President, as Chief Executive of the Institute, is responsible to the Council and the Board for decisions on Institute finances, operations, and direction.

Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Thailand Themen:
