StartseiteAktuellesThe German Business Association in Vietnam

The German Business Association in Vietnam

Vertretungen/ Einrichtungen Deutschlands im Ausland

The GERMAN BUSINESS ASSOCIATION shall be an unincorporated, independent, non-political, non-profit making association established under its Statutes and shall operate in Vietnam in accordance with the laws of Vietnam. In general, the GERMAN BUSINESS ASSOCIATION shall promote business-, economic-, cultural-, and other interests of common concern to its Members. In particular, the objectives of the GERMAN BUSINESS ASSOCIATION shall be to promote and increase business between Vietnam and Germany for their mutual benefit and for the benefit of Members including:

  • To promote business ties between the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Federal Republic of Germany for the mutual benefit of Members and their Vietnamese partners.
  • To work in close co-operation with local and national Vietnamese authorities in establishing a business framework conducive to the economic development of Vietnam and the business relationship between Germany and Vietnam.
  • To maintain contacts with the relevant Vietnamese Authorities and to exchange views on matters of mutual concern.
  • To promote, foster, support, represent and protect the interests of the German businesses and the German community in Vietnam.
  • To provide Members with a forum for discussion and exchange of ideas by means of regular meetings, and to act on common problems relating to economic and commercial matters affecting its members in Vietnam.
  • To compile, collate, and distribute information on matters of general interest.
  • To promote business and social contacts by arranging meetings or appropriate events for members and others, and to undertake any other activities which are consistent with the Association's objectives within the laws of Vietnam.
  • To create and maintain a good general German image, and to protect the reputation and standing of German businesspeople.
Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Vietnam Themen: Wirtschaft, Märkte
