The Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan is an organization implementating the unified scientific and technical policy in Turkmenistan, accelerating the development and systematic implementation state programs of scientific and technological development. The Academy coordinates and monitors research conducted by research organizations and higher educational institutions of Turkmenistan, regardless of sectoral affiliation. In its structure the Academy of Sciences consists of three departments that monitor the development of basic scientific research, the state of scientific research conducted by academic and sectoral scientific institutions.
Turkmenistan: Akademie der Wissenschaften
Forschungsorganisationen und Fachgesellschaften
Akademie der Wissenschaften - Turkmenistan
von Julia Arning, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH
Länder / Organisationen:
Bildung und Hochschulen
sonstiges / Querschnittsaktivitäten
Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen