StartseiteAktuellesTurku Science Park

Turku Science Park

Forschungseinrichtungen und -infrastruktur

Turku Science Park joins together the academic and business experts. Its special focal areas are biotechnology and ICT. It offers a unique growth environment for the commercialisation of research-oriented innovations and for the generation and growth of enterprise activities related to high technology.

The elements needed for success are present in Turku Science Park. The 5 qkm Science Park -area locates universities, numerous high tech -companies and other service providers all closely together. The innovation process is like decathlon: it requires endurance and mastery of many skills.

Turku Science Park has two focal areas:

  • BioTurku® is a cluster of biotechnology actors in the Turku region. BioTurku® comprises around one hundred actors – companies as well as training and research centres.
    The key R&D areas are drug development, diagnostics, biomaterials, and functional foods.
  • ict Turku: Information and communication technology (ICT) is the second biggest business sector in Southwest Finland, and it has been growing continuously and steadily, employing a total of 13,500 people. The Turku–Salo region forms Finland’s strongest ICT expertise cluster outside the Helsinki metropolitan area.
Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Finnland Themen: Lebenswissenschaften Information u. Kommunikation
