The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus is a republican organ of government which pursues governmental policies in the field of education, provides regulation, management and governmental monitoring in the sphere of education as well as coordination of the related activities performed by the republican organs of government.
In its activities the Ministry of Education is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, the Regulation on the Ministry of Education and other laws of the Republic of Belarus.
The main tasks of the Ministry of Education are as follows:
- developing and providing implementation of governmental policies in the sphere of education, care and supervision of minors;
- implementing governmental youth policies;
- providing for the functioning and development of the national education system of the Republic of Belarus, creating a continuous learning system;
- coordinating the operations of the Republic organs of government, education offices of the oblast and Minsk City executive committees, organizations that implement the functions of the education system, governmental youth policies, children's rights protection, and care and supervision of adults;
- implement governmental monitoring in the education system and in the field of governmental youth policies;
- providing an assessment of the implementation of the governmental policies in the field of child welfare;
- implementing measures for preventing child neglect and juvenile delinquency.