Kosovo: ASHAK - Academy of Sciences and Arts of Kosovo
The Kosovo Academy of Sciences and Arts was founded by a special Law adopted by the Parliament of the Autonomous Socialist Region of Kosovo in October 1975 under the name The Association of Sciences and Arts of Kosovo. The Association was founded as…
Kenia: KNAS - Kenya National Academy of Sciences
The Kenya National Academy of Sciences (KNAS) is a learned, non-political institution, which was founded on 2nd November 1983. The main function of KNAS is to cooperate and collaborate with the Government of Kenya, other scientific organizations, the…
Kasachstan: NAS RK - National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan was founded in 1946 as a state institution that joins active members (academicians), corresponding-members and leading scientists of the Republic.
The main activity of the Academy is…
USA: National Academies
Die National Academies setzen sich zusammen aus der National Academy of Sciences (NAS), der National Academy of Engineering (NAE), der National Academy of Medicine (NAM, früher das Institute of Medicine IOM), und dem National Research Council (NRC).…
Polen: KRASP - The Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland
The Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland (CRASP) [Polish: Konferencja Rektorów Akademickich Szkół Polskich, KRASP] was formed by Polish institutions of higher education which had the right to award the doctor's degree (or equivalent)…
China: CASS - Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) is the premier academic organization and comprehensive research center of the People’s Republic of China in the fields of philosophy and social sciences.
CASS was established in May 1977, replacing the…
China: CASTED – Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development
CASTED was set up in 2007 as a successor of the National Conference on Science and Technology (NRCSTD). Today CASTED comprises 8 research institutes and 2 management departments.
Under the leadership of the Ministry of Scrience and Technology…
Australien: AAS - Australian Academy of Sciences
The Australian Academy of Sciences is a not-for-profit organisation of individuals elected for their outstanding contributions to science and research. It was founded on 16 February 1954 by Australian Fellows of the Royal Society of London with the…
China: CAMS – Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences
Founded in 1917, the Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) was the first medical university in China offering an eight-year curriculum leading to an M.D. degree. Its sister institution, the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS), founded in 1956,…