SMC - Science Media Centers: Internationales Netzwerk
Auftrag der Science Media Centers (SMC) ist es, evidenzbasierte wissenschaftliche Inhalte in die Schlagzeilen zu bringen und so die öffentliche Debatte und Diskussion mit Informationen über aktuelle Schlüsselthemen zu versorgen. Das 2002 gegründete S…
WAITRO - World Association of Industrial and Technological Research
Founded under the auspices of the United Nations system and with consultative status with many of its specialized agencies, WAITRO provides a wide range of services that foster R&D capacities and facilitate the transfer of technologies around the…
Indien: Überblick Graswurzel-Innovationen mit Auszeichnung der National Innovation Foundation (NIF)
The Indian National Innovation Foundation conducts National Biennial Competitions for grassroot innovators. The Dr APJ Abdul Kalam IGNITE competition is an annual national competition to harness the creative and innovative spirit of children (up to…
MOOChub - Zusammenschluss von Online-Lernplattformen (Deutschland & Österreich)
MOOChub ist der Zusammenschluss verschiedener MOOC-Portale und Betreiber/innen von Online-Lernplattformen, Hochschulen und hochschulnaher Verbände mit dem Ziel Synergien im Bereich der Online-Lehre zu nutzen und zu standardisieren. Vorrangig soll…
EU-Citizen.Science – Online Plattform für Bürgerwissenschaften
EU-Citizen.Science is an online platform for sharing knowledge, tools, training and resources for citizen science – by the community, for the community. The EU-Citizen.Science project has been funded by the European Commission Horizon 2020 programme,…
ENOLL - European Network of Living Labs
Living Labs (LLs) are defined as user-centred, open innovation ecosystems based on systematic user co-creation approach, integrating research and innovation processes in real life communities and settings.
LLs are both practice-driven organisations…
COL - The Commonwealth of Learning - open learning/distance education
The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) is an intergovernmental organisation created by Commonwealth Heads of Government in 1987 to promote the development and sharing of open learning and distance education knowledge, resources and technologies.
Open Innovation: Crowdsourcing Plattformen
“Crowdsourcing platforms are tools used by firms to source ideas from outside the organisation (either the general public or a pool of accredited experts) to solve a specific problem or challenge, or find a new product, or to design ideas.…
Indien: NIF – National Innovation Foundation
The National Innovation Foundation (NIF) – India, is India's national initiative to strengthen the grassroots technological innovations and outstanding traditional knowledge. Its mission is to help India become a creative and knowledge-based society…