OECD: Themenseite COVID-19
Auf der Seite zur globalen Coronavirus-Pandemie informiert die Organisation für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (OECD) über ihre Beiträge zur Bewältigung und Eindämmung der Krise sowie zu deren möglichen Folgen.
OECD: Themenseite Regionale, städtische und ländliche Entwicklung
The OECD presents its work on regional, rural and urban development.
IEA - Internationale Energieagentur
In 1974, the IEA was established as an autonomous agency within the framework of the OECD to help co-ordinate a collective response to major disruptions in the supply of oil. While oil security remains a key aspect of the agency's work, the IEA has…
OECD: Themenseite Wirtschaft
The OECD presents its work on the economy.
OECD: Themenseite Grünes Wachstum und Nachhaltige Entwicklung
The OECD presents its work on Green Growth and Sustainable Development.
OECD: Themenseite Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
The OECD presents its work on development.
OECD: Themenseite Gesundheit
The OECD presents its work on health. The organisation helps countries achieve high-performing health systems by measuring health outcomes & the use of health system resources as well as by analysing policies that improve access, efficiency & quality…
OECD: Themenseite Umwelt
OECD work on environment helps countries design and implement effective policies to address environmental problems and sustainably manage natural resources. It examines the linkages between the environment and economic, sectoral or social concerns in…
OECD: International Futures Programme
The IFP was created in 1990 to conduct foresight activities, by exploring potential emerging sectors or future domains of interest that could or should become of interest to OECD member economies. The IFP built on a long experience in…