OECD: Themenseite Umwelt
OECD work on environment helps countries design and implement effective policies to address environmental problems and sustainably manage natural resources. It examines the linkages between the environment and economic, sectoral or social concerns in…
OECD: International Futures Programme
The IFP was created in 1990 to conduct foresight activities, by exploring potential emerging sectors or future domains of interest that could or should become of interest to OECD member economies. The IFP built on a long experience in…
Russland: NRCKI - Nationales Forschungszentrum Kurtschatow
Trägerorganisation des 2010 lancierten Nationalen Forschungszentrums Kurtschatow (NRCKI) ist das 1943 gegründete gleichnamige Kurtschatow-Institut. 2010 führte die Regierung das Institut mit einer Reihe von anderen Einrichtungen zusammen, um die…
Russland: RSF - Russischer Wissenschaftsfonds
The Russian Science Foundation (RSF) was established in 2013 to support basic research and development of leading research teams in different fields of science. Legal status, powers, functions, proprietary rights and governance of the Foundation are…
Russland: RFBR - Russischer Fonds für Grundlagenforschung
The Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) was created in 1992 by decree #426 of the President of the Russian Federation “On urgent measures for preserving scientific and technological potential of the Russian Federation”. It is a self-governed…
NEA - Kernenergie-Agentur der OECD
The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) is an intergovernmental agency that facilitates co-operation among countries with advanced nuclear technology infrastructures to seek excellence in nuclear safety, technology, science, environment and law. The NEA…
Russland: FASIE - Fonds für kleine innovative Unternehmen
The Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE) is a non-commercial state organization set up by Russian government resolution No. 65 of February 3, 1994. The Foundation’s main tasks include the implementation of government…
Russland: ROSATOM - Staatliche Kernenergiegesellschaft
ROSATOM is the largest producer of electricity in Russia, ensuring over 19% of the country’s energy needs. ROSATOM also ventures into manufacturing equipment and isotopes for nuclear medicine, does research, materials studies, digital products,…
HIK RF - Handels- und Industriekammer der Russischen Föderation
HIK RF - die Spitzenorganisation der Handels- und Industriekammern ist eine öffentlich-rechtliche Selbstverwaltungskörperschaft. Sie vereinigt Kammern, Unternehmen und deren Verbände und Vereinigungen, unterstützt die Entwicklung von Marktstrukturen,…