Russland: Rossotrudnichestvo - Föderale Agentur für Angelegenheiten der Gemeinschaft Unabhängiger Staaten, der im Ausland lebenden Landsleute und für internationale kulturelle Zusammenarbeit
Rossotrudnichestvo operates under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
Nowadays, Rossotrudnichetvo is represented in 80 states of the world by 95 representative offices: 72 Russian Centers of Science and…
JINR - Vereinigtes Institut für Kernforschung
Set up in 1956, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) is an international intergovernmental scientific research organization in the science city Dubna in the Moscow region.
JINR has at present 18 Member States: Armenia, Azerbaijan,…
Niederlande: WBSO - Niederländische Forschungs- und Entwicklungsbeihilfe
The R&D promotion act provides a fiscal facility for companies, knowledge centres and self-employed persons who perform R&D work. In this context, R&D means technical/scientific research, the development of technologically new physical products or…
Rumänien: ANCSI - Nationalbehörde für Wissenschaftliche Forschung und Innovation
Zentrale Institution der rumänischen FuEuI-Politik ist seit 2006 die Nationale Behörde für Wissenschaftliche Forschung und Innovation (Autoritatea Națională pentru Cercetare Ştiințifică și Inovare, ANCSI). Die ANCS ist direkt dem Bildungsministerium…
Frankreich: INRAE - Nationales Forschungsinstitut für Landwirtschaft, Ernährung und Umwelt
The Institut national de recherche pour l‘agriculture, l‘alimentation et l‘environnement (INRAE) is France's new National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, created on January 1, 2020, It was formed by the merger of INRA, the…
EYA - Environmental Youth Alliance
The Environmental Youth Alliance (EYA) is a non-profit charity that cultivates transformative nature experiences for children and youth in urban environments to foster community connectedness, build ecological leadership skills, and enhance their…
ICCS International Council for Canadian Studies
Der International Council for Canadian Studies (ICCS) ist eine Dachgesellschaft für zwanzig nationale und multi-nationale Gesellschaften für Kanada-Studien. Er fördert weltweit Forschung, Bildung und Publikationen in sämtlichen Bereichen der…
USA: NSF OISE - National Science Foundation: Office of International Science and Engineering
OISE is the National Science Foundation (NSF) focal point for international science and engineering activities both inside and outside NSF. OISE promote an integrated, Foundation-wide international engagement strategy and manage…
Lettland : LTP - Latvia Technology Park
Latvia Technology Park was founded in 1996. There are several founders in LTP including Riga Technical University, University of Latvia, Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Latvia, Riga City Council, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Latvia.