Polen: RGIB - Main Council of the Research Institutes
The Main Council of the Research Institutes (Rada Główna Instytutów Badawczych, RGIB) is the elective representative body acting pursuant to Article 33 of the Act of 30 April 2010 on reaserch institutes.
The Council represents the interests of 116…
Polen: FNP - Foundation for Polish Science
The Foundation for Polish Science (Fundacja na rzecz Nauki Polskiej (FNP), deutsch: Stiftung für Polnische Wissenschaft) has been in operation since 1991. It is a non-governmental, non-political, non-profit institution which pursues the mission of…
Polen: NCN - National Science Centre
The National Science Centre (NCN) is a government agency, supervised by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, set up in 2011 to support basic research in Poland. With a budget of over € 200 M a year NCN funds projects in Arts, Humanities and…
Polen: NCBR - National Centre for Research and Development
The National Centre for Research and Development (Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju, NCBR) is an implementing agency of the Minister of Science and Higher Education set up in 2007. Following a reform in 2010/11, it has become one of the main funders…
Polen: NCP - Polish National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the European Union
The Polish National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the European Union (Krajowy Punkt Kontaktowy Programów Badawczych Unii Europejskiej - KPK) is part of the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research at the Polish Academy of Sciences…
Polen: PARP - Polish Agency for Enterprise Development
The Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP) is involved in the implementation of national and international programmes financed from the EU structural funds, state budget and multiannual programmes of the European Commission.
Polen: PAIH - Polish Investment and Trade Agency
The Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH) was rebranded from the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency (PAIiIZ) in 2017. The Agency predecessor was established on 24th June 2003, after a merger of the State Foreign Investment Agency…
Polen: IBE - Educational Research Institute
The Educational Research Institute (IBE) is an institution conducting interdisciplinary research concerning the functioning and effectiveness of the education system in Poland. The Institute participates in national and international research…
Polen: Bildungsportale
Zu den wichtigsten polnischen Bildungsportalen zählen das EDU INFO-Portal sowie das EDUFORUM.PL– Portal. Informationen sind ausschließlich in polnischer Sprache verfügbar (Stand: September 2018).