
Institut Ranke-Heinemann - Australisch-Neuseeländischer Hochschulverbund

Das Institut Ranke-Heinemann/ Australisch-Neuseeländischer Hochschulverbund - IDP Education ist die zentrale Einrichtung aller australischen und neuseeländischen Universitäten in Deutschland, Österreich und der deutschsprachigen Schweiz, zuständig…


Australien: UA - Universities Australia

Universities Australia was established on 22 May 2007 as the peak body representing the university sector and replaced the Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee (AVCC). The AVCC dates back to May 1920, when Vice-Chancellors at Australia's then…

Netzwerke in Forschung, Technologie und Innovation Bildungs- und Forschungskooperation

Australien: CRCA - Cooperative Research Centres Association

The Cooperative Research Centres Association is a not-for-profit organisation operating to promote the pursuit of science, particularly through the Australian Government’s CRC Program. The Cooperative Research Centres (CRC) Program was established…

Bildungs- und Forschungskooperation Netzwerke in Forschung, Technologie und Innovation

Australien: ARC Centres of Excellence

ARC Centres of Excellence are prestigious foci of expertise through which high-quality researchers maintain and develop Australia’s international standing in research areas of national priority. Through the ARC Centres of Excellence, significant…

Forschungsorganisationen und Fachgesellschaften

International Mathematical Union (IMU)

IMU is an international non-governmental and non-profit scientific organization, with the purpose of promoting international cooperation in mathematics. It is a member of the International Science Council (ISC), which was created in 2018 as the…

Hochschulen Forschungsorganisationen und Fachgesellschaften Netzwerke in Forschung, Technologie und Innovation Politikberatung

Australien: Go8 - Group of Eight (Research Universities)

The Go8 was incorporated in 1999, and its Directorate is based in Canberra, Australia’s capital city. The group aims to influence national higher education and research policy. The Group of Eight (Go8) comprises Australia’s eight leading research…

Fördereinrichtungen/ Kontaktstellen Netzwerke in Forschung, Technologie und Innovation

Großbritannien: KTN - Knowledge Transfer Networks

The Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN) helps businesses get the best out of creativity, ideas and the latest discoveries, to strengthen the UK economy and improve people’s lives. KTN is a network partner of Innovate UK.

KTN links new ideas and…

Fördereinrichtungen/ Kontaktstellen Politikberatung

Australien: ARC - Australian Research Council

The Australian Research Council (ARC) is a Commonwealth entity and advises the Australian Government on research matters, administers the National Competitive Grants Programme, a significant component of Australia's investment in research and…

Fördereinrichtungen/ Kontaktstellen Politikberatung

Australien: NHMRC - National Health and Medical Research Council

The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) brings together within a single national organisation the functions of research funding and development of advice.

