Niederlande: ZonMw - Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development
ZonMw funds health research and stimulates use of the knowledgedeveloped to help improve health and healthcare in the Netherlands.
ZonMw’s main commissioning organisations are the Ministry of Health,Welfare and Sport and the Netherlands Organisation…
Polen: PKA - Polish Accreditation Committee
The Polish Accreditation Committee (PKA) is the first independent institution established in 2002 to improve the quality of education in all public and non-public higher education institution in Poland. The PkA is authorised to conduct quality…
Neuseeland: Callaghan Innovation
Callaghan Innovation is New Zealand's innovation agency. Its purpose is to grow New Zealand’s economy by helping businesses succeed through technology.
Callaghan Innovation services include R&D support for companies through its own Research and…
Niederlande: Rathenau Institute
The Rathenau Instituut carries out research at the interface of science, technology and society. The Rathenau Instituut’s basic funding is provided by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (and disbursed by the Royal Netherlands Academy of…
Neuseeland: RSNZ - Royal Society of New Zealand
The Royal Society of New Zealand is an independent, national academy of sciences, technology and the humanities as well as a federation of scientific, technological and humanities organisations, and individual members. Established in 1867, the…
Italien: CRUI - Conference of Italian University Rectors
The CRUI is the association of the state and private universities.
Established in 1963 as a private association of Rectors, the Conference of Italian University Rectors (CRUI) has over time acquired an acknowledged institutional and representative…
Neuseeland: HRC - Health Research Council
The Health Research Council of New Zealand (HRC) is a Crown agency of the New Zealand Government. It is responsible for managing the government's investment in health research for the public good. The HRC was established under the Health Research…
Tschechische Republik: CRC - Czech Rectors Conference
The Czech Rectors Conference - CRC (Česká konference rektorů - ČKR), established on 28 January 1993, is the association of Rectors of all public all state and some private higher education institutions in the Czech Republic. Its mission consists in…
Polen: OPI - National Information Processing Institute
The National Information Processing Institute [in Polish: Ośrodek Przetwarzania Informacji – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy (OPI PIB)] is a research institute supervised by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Its principal aim is to provide…