Forschungsorganisationen und Fachgesellschaften Politikberatung

Litauen: LMA - The Lithuanian Academy of Sciences

The Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (Lietuvos mokslų akademija) was founded on 16 January 1941. The Academy is guided by its Charter, which is ratified by the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, and other legal acts. The Lithuanian Academy of…

Forschungsorganisationen und Fachgesellschaften Politikberatung

Libanon: ASL - The Lebanese Academy of Sciences

The Académie des Sciences du Liban (ASL) is an independent and nonprofit institution founded by a decree from the Lebanese Government in August of 2007.

The ASL aims to play a central role in Lebanon’s scientific life, similar to that played by…

Forschungsorganisationen und Fachgesellschaften Politikberatung

Kroatien: HAZU - Croatian Academy of Science and Arts

The Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti) is the highest scientific and artistic institution in the Republic of Croatia. The Academy is also the main State adviser concerning the issues of science.

The main…

Forschungsorganisationen und Fachgesellschaften Politikberatung

Kosovo: ASHAK - Academy of Sciences and Arts of Kosovo

The Kosovo Academy of Sciences and Arts was founded by a special Law adopted by the Parliament of the Autonomous Socialist Region of Kosovo in October 1975 under the name The Association of Sciences and Arts of Kosovo. The Association was founded as…

Forschungsorganisationen und Fachgesellschaften Politikberatung

Kenia: KNAS - Kenya National Academy of Sciences

The Kenya National Academy of Sciences (KNAS) is a learned, non-political, non-sectarian and non-profit making body founded on 2nd November 1983, and registered with the Attorney General Chambers of the government of Kenya.

The academy traces its…

Forschungsorganisationen und Fachgesellschaften Politikberatung

Kasachstan: NAS RK - National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan was founded in 1946 as a state institution that joins active members (academicians), corresponding-members and leading scientists of the Republic.

The main activity of the Academy is…

Forschungsorganisationen und Fachgesellschaften Politikberatung

Armenien: NAS RA - National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia

The Armenian Academy of Sciences (since 1993 - the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia) was founded on 10 November 1943 on the basis of the USSR Academy of Sciences' Armenian Branch, organized in 1935. The NAS RA is the highest…

Forschungsorganisationen und Fachgesellschaften Politikberatung

Bosnien und Herzegowina: ANUBiH - The Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina arose from the Scientific Society which was established in 1951 by Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, passing the resolution on foundation of Scientific Society of…

Forschungsorganisationen und Fachgesellschaften Politikberatung

Griechenland: Academy of Athens

The aim of the Academy of Athens, as stated in its founding charter, is to encourage the promotion of sciences, letters and fine arts, of learning in general and to act as an advisory body to the Government and other institutions, by submitting…

