
CGE Französische Konferenz der Ingenieur- und Managementhochschulen

Die CGE (Conférence des grandes écoles) ist ein eingetragener Verein, der insbesondere die französischen Fachhochschulen im Bereich Ingenieurwesen und Management, aber auch darüber hinaus (zum Beispiel Architektur- oder Veterinärmedizin-Hochschulen)…


VERA Israelische Vereinigung der Universitätsleitungen

VERA – Association of University Heads, Israel, is a voluntary body founded by the heads of Israel's research universities. Members are the Presidents, Rectors and Director General's of each of Israel's universities. The objective of the association…

Netzwerke in Forschung, Technologie und Innovation

ECORD - European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling

ECORD, the European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling, is a management structure of 17 members (15 European countries, Canada and Israel) for scientific ocean drilling as part of the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) "Exploring the…

Netzwerke in Forschung, Technologie und Innovation

EuroTransBio - international funding initiative

EuroTransBio (ETB) is an international funding initiative supported by European program owners. It has established itself as the preferred funding instrument for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), collaborating in the area of modern…

Netzwerke in Forschung, Technologie und Innovation

SNOWMAN Network - funding organizations for sustainable soil

SNOWMAN is a transnational group of research funding organizations and administrations in the field of soil sustainable management in Europe. It aims to bridge the gap between knowledge demand and supply (Science-Policy-Practice Interface) through…

Netzwerke in Forschung, Technologie und Innovation

Europhresco Network

Euphresco is a network of organisations funding research projects and coordinating national research in the phytosanitary area. The overall goal of Euphresco is to support coordination and collaboration in the area of phytosanitary research, and to…

Netzwerke in Forschung, Technologie und Innovation

NCoE - Nordic Centres of Excellence

Nordic Centre of Excellence (NCoE) is NordForsk’s most important funding instrument to increase and facilitate cooperation between excellent researchers, researcher groups or institutions in the Nordic countries. The aim is to promote Nordic…


College Contact

College Contact ist offizielle deutsche Repräsentanz von derzeit rund 200 Hochschulen weltweit. Aufgabe von College Contact ist es, im Namen seiner Partnerhochschulen junge Menschen zu den Möglichkeiten eines Auslandsstudiums zu beraten und sie auf…


BELSPO Belgian Federal Science Policy Office

The Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (Dutch: Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid; French: Politique scientifique fédérale) or BELSPO is a Belgian government institution responsible for coordinating science policy at a federal level. It designs and…

