
Nationaler Statistikservice der Republik Armenien

The National Statistical Service of the Rupublic of Armenia has got the mission to collect, publish and disseminate official statistics for public use. Its main functions are:

  • to collect, process, summarize and publish statistical data,
  • to co-operate…


INSTAT Albanisches Institut für Statistik

The statistical service in Republic of Albania is realized by the Institute of Statistics (INSTAT), local statistics departments ministries or other central institutions statisticsdepartments and civil offices and other subjects. The statistical…


ES Statistik Estland

Statistikaamet (abbreviation SE) is a government agency at the area of administration of the Ministry of Finance. The main task of Statistics Estonia is to provide the public institutions, business and research spheres, international organisations…


Statistisches Ministerium der Slowakischen Republik

The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic is central body of state administration of the Slovak Republic for the branch of statistics. Its status is given by the Act No. 575/2001 Code of Acts on Organizational Activity of Government and the…


EL.STAT. Griechische Behörde für Statistik - Griechenland

The Hellenic Statistical Authority, mostly known by its acronym ELSTAT (Greek: ΕΛ.ΣΤΑΤ.), is an independent and autonomous authority in Greece that deals with the collection of data on behalf of the state. Prior to 2010, ELSTAT was a non-autonomous…


ONS Nationales Büro für Statistik - Algerien

The National Office of Statistics (Office National des Statistiques, ONS‎) is the Algerian ministry charged with the collection and publication of statistics related to the economy, population and society of Algeria at national and local levels. Its…


Chile: INE - Nationales Statistisches Institut

The National Statistics Institute of Chile (Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Chile, INE) is a state-run organization of the Government of Chile, created in the second half of the 19th century and tasked with performing a general census of…


Republik Korea (Südkorea): KOSTAT - Statistics Korea

As the central statistical organization, Statistics Korea is to reinforce effective statistical adjustment and cooperation activities and to lead quality improvement in national statistics in order to achieve development of national statistics. In…


Südafrika: Stats SA - Statistics South Africa

Statistics South Africa (frequently shortened to Stats SA) is the national statistical service of South Africa, with the goal of producing timely, accurate, and official statistics in order to advance economic growth, development, and democracy.

