
SON Organisation für Normung - Nigeria

The Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON) was established by an Enabling Act Number 56 of December 1971 - the Standards Organisation of Nigeria cap 412 of the laws of Federal Republic of Nigeria, with a commencement date of 1 January 1970, when the…


UNMZ Tschechisches Amt für Normung, Mess- und Prüfwesen

The work of technical standardization in the country was started by the Czechoslovak Electrotechnical Association, established in 1919, and by the Czechoslovak Association of Standardization, established in 1922. In 1951, the activities of the two…


CYS Zypriotische Organisation für Standardisierung - Zypern

The Cyprus Organisation for Standardisation (CYS) was established by the Government in 2002 to undertake the standardization activities that were under the juristiction of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism. CYS is an autonomous body…


NEN Niederländisches Institut für Normung

Normalisatie en normen (NEN) is a private, non-profit organization, founded in 1916 by the Netherlands Society for Industry and Trade, in cooperation with the Royal Institute of Engineers. NEN's mission is threefold:
- assuring active involvement…


SNZ Normung Neuseeland

Standards New Zealand is the national Standards body and the operating arm of the Standards Council. The Standards Council is an autonomous Crown entity operating under the Standards Act 1988. Standards New Zealand is responsible for managing the…


NBSM Büro für Normung und Metrologie - Nepal

Nepal Bureau of Standards & Metrology (NBSM) is the National Standard Body in Nepal. It is a Government organization under the Ministry of Industry. It is also the national enquiry point / nodal point for WTO (TBTs & NTMs) and focal point for…


NSI Namibisches Institut für Normung

The NSI is established by Section 2 of the Standards Act, 2005 (Act No. 18 of 2005) as the national standards body of Namibia responsible for the promotion of standardization and quality assurance in the industry, commerce and the public sector in…


ISME Institut für Normung - Montenegro

The Institut za standardizaciji Crne Gore (ISME), as a National Standardization Body, was established on April 2007 according to the Decree passed by the Government of Montenegro. The Law on Standardization was adopted in February 2008 and is in line…


INS Nationales Institut für Normung - Moldau

The Republic of Moldova is currently a developing country and there still remains a need to support the economy and adjust the standardization activity in order to meet the increasing demands of the market and society. The central specialized body…

