
LNCSM Libysches Nationalzentrum für Normung und Metrologie

The Libyan National Centre for Standardization and Metrology (LNCSM) is the National Standards Body responsible for all Standardization activities in Libya.
The main activities of LNCSM are:

  • Preparation, approval issuing, accrediting, reviewing…


HZN Kroatisches Institut für Normung

The Hrvatski zavod za norme (Croatian Standards Institute) is an autonomous non-profit public institution established as the national standards body of the Republic of Croatia with a view to accomplishing the following goals of standardization:

  • Incr…


LIBNOR Libanesische Institution für Normung

The Lebanese Standards Institution (LIBNOR) is a public institution attached to the Ministry of Industry. It was established in 1962 by a law, giving it solely the authority to issue, publish, and amend national standards and to authorize the use of…


INTECO Institut für technische Standardisierung - Costa Rica

The Instituto de Normas Técnicas de Costa Rica (INTECO) is an independent association that was constituted in 1987. It is a private, non-profit body with representatives from the public and private sectors of the Costa Rican economy.

INTECO seeks to…


LVS Normung Lettland

Latvian Standard (LVS) is a limited liability company. The company was established after the reorganization of the Latvian National Center of Standardization and Metrology, when LVS took on the rights and obligations in the field of standardization. …


KYRGYZST Zentrum für Normung und Metrologie - Kirgisistan

The National Institute for Standards and Metrology "Kyrgyzst" is the national body for standardization and measurement assurance. Main areas of activities :

  • development and realization of strategy in the field of standardization;
  • adoption of…


KOWSMD Öffentliche Behörde für Industrienormung und industrielle Dienstleistungen - Kuwait

Standardization activities in Kuwait began in 1967, within a unit of the Ministry of commerce & Industry which became a Department after the law no. 128 for standardization was issued in 1977. The Department was transferred to the Public Authority…


ICONTEC Kolumbianisches Institut für technische Normung und Zertifizierung

L'Instituto Colombiano de Normas Técnicas y Certificación (ICONTEC) is a private, non-profit organization. Since 1984, it has been recognized by the Colombian Government as the National Standardization Body and representative of the country to the…


KATS Koreanische Agentur für Technologie und Normung - Republik Korea (Südkorea)

The Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS) is a government agency which has been leading national and international standards in the Republic of Korea since it was founded in 1883 as Analysis and Testing Laboratory of the Mint Office.…

