
IRAM Institut für Normung und Zertifizierung - Argentinien

IRAM represents the Argentine Republic in ISO, IEC, together with AEA (Argentine Electrotechnical Association), COPANT (Pan American Standards Commission) and AMN (Asociación Mercosur de Normalización). In close collaboration with Government,…


IANORQ Institut für Normung und Qualität - Angola

LInstituto Angolano de Normalização e Qualidade was created in 1996, within the Ministry of Industry. Both products made and services performed in Angola, as well as imported goods will be covered by IANORQ's activity. It is expected that a uniform…


IANOR Institut für Normung - Algerien

IANOR is the National Standards Body. Its tasks include in particular:

  • to ensure the development of national standards in coordination with the other sectors;
  • to identify national standardization needs;
  • to ensure the implementation of the national…


STAMEQ Direktion für Normung, Metrologie und Qualität - Vietnam

The Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality of Viet Nam (STAMEQ) is a governmental agency under the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), having responsibility for advising the Government and MOST on the state management in the fields…


DPS Generaldirektion für Standardisierung - Albanien

General Directorate of Standardization (DPS) is a legal entity of public law depending on the Minister responsible for the economy, with offices in Tirana. It represents the Republic of Albania before European and international standards…


ANSA Nationale Standardisierungsbehörde - Afghanistan

Afghanistan National Standards Authority (ANSA) operates in 13 fields (Food and Agricultural Products, Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics, Construction Materials, Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants, Electro-technical, Textile, Metrology, Environment, Demining…


TSE Institut für Standardisierung - Türkei

In 1951, the Ministry of Economy and Commerce, jointly with the Union of Turkish Chambers of Commerce, Chambers of Industry and Commodity Exchanges, took into consideration the absolute necessity of standardization to support the speedy development…

Fachportale und -informationen

LLM Guide - Master of Laws Programs Worldwide

Internationales Verzeichnis von Masterstudiengängen für Juristinnen und Juristen (Abschluss: LL.M., Magister Legum, EMLE, EULISP u.a.).

Forschungseinrichtungen und -infrastruktur

SFI Zentrum für Sozialforschung - Dänemark

The Danish National Institute of Social Research (Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Velfærd) conducts research and carrires out commissioned projects in the area of welfare state policies, and disseminates the results. Its primary task is to…

