NSI Nationales Institut für Statistik - Bulgarien
The NSS development for the 2013–2017 period is founded on the vision that the National Statistical System produces and provides to all user groups high quality statistical products and services, produced based on harmonized European methodologies…
Exzellente Informationen zur den Investitionsbedingungen in Spanien, zusammengestellt vom spanischen Ministerium für Industrie, Tourismus und Handel.
Statistikamt - Tschechien
Die tschechische Republik in Zahlen. Themen wie z.B. Bruttosozialprodukt, Lebensstandard, Industrie, Landschaft und anderes mehr dürften auf jeden Fall von Interesse sein.
Argentinien: Regierungsportal
Das Portal der argentinischen Regierung ist in spanischer Sprache verfügbar (Stand August 2016).
Danish Polar Center
The Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation administers research and funding to promote innovation for the Danish Council for Independent Research, the Danish Council for Strategic Research, the Danish Council for Technology and…
Amt für Statistik - Dänemark
Statistics Denmark provides technical assistance to sister agencies in pre-accession and neighbour countries to the EU as well as in countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East to build up their capacity to produce reliable, comparable, timely and…
Internationale Krebsforschungseinrichtung der WHO (IARC)
IARC's mission is to coordinate and conduct research on the causes of human cancer, the mechanisms of carcinogenesis, and to develop scientific strategies…