
Tunesien: Statistikamt

The National Institute of Statistics (L'Institut National de la Statistique: INS) was created in 1969. It is a non-administrative public organization under the supervision of the Ministry Regional development and plan. It also represents a central…

Fachportale und -informationen

Innovationsportal Lettland

The portal is made and maintained by Latvian Technological Center. Here you can find information about innovations in Latvia and other articles about innovation based entrepreneurship. For Latvia as an open economy country, the growth…

Forschungsorganisationen und Fachgesellschaften

National Center on complex processing of mineral raw materials of the Republic of Kazakhstan

RSE «National Center on complex processing of mineral raw materials of the Republic of Kazakhstan» was established in 1993 to improve the organization of science and development of scientific and technical potential of the republic. Accordingly,…

Forschungseinrichtungen und -infrastruktur

IMP - Institute Mihailo Pupin (Serbien)

Institute “Mihailo Pupin” (IMP) is the leading Serbian R&D institution in information and communication technologies (ICT), as well as the biggest and the oldest ICT institute in Southeastern Europe. It is located in Belgrade, capital of Serbia. …

Netzwerke in Forschung, Technologie und Innovation

TCI Global Practitioners Network for Competitiveness, Clusters and Innovation

TCI mit Sitz in Barcelona ist eine weltweite Plattform zum Austausch von Erfahrungen, Vermittlung von Best Practices und neuesten Trends in Clustern, Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Innovation. TCI verknüpft seit 1998 weltweit


Argentinien: INDEC - Nationalinstitut für Statistik

The National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos - INDEC) is the technical government agency responsible for the coordination and supervision of all public statistical activities taking place in the…

Forschungsorganisationen und Fachgesellschaften

International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS)

The International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS) is a NGO with scientific purpose established in 1930 whose seat is in Brussels. The Institute is a worldwide platform providing a space for exchanges that promote knowledge and practices…


UNESCO Internationales Institut für Hochschulbildung in Lateinamerika und der Karibik - IESALC

The UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (El Instituto Internacional para la Educación Superior en América Latina y el Caribe - IESALC) is an organization of UNESCO devoted to the promotion of higher…

Vertretungen/ Einrichtungen Deutschlands im Ausland

BRÜCKE e. V. Kultur- und wohltätigkeitsverein

Der Verein "DIE BRÜCKE e.V." ist als Interessenvertretung aller in der Türkei lebenden Deutschsprachigen auf sozialem und kulturellem Gebiet zu verstehen. Der Verein schafft eine Plattform, um die Interessen der einzelnen Mitglieder und…

