Australien: DISR - Ministerium für Industrie, Forschung und Ressourcen
The Department of Industry, Science and Resources (DISR) was established in 2022. It brings together industry, resources, science and skills to drive economic growth, productivity and competitiveness.
2Zero - Europäische Partnerschaft für einen emissionsfreien Straßenverkehr
The Towards zero emission road transport (2Zero) Partnership is aiming at accelerating the transition towards zero tailpipe emission road mobility across Europe. The 2Zero partnership covers all types of vehicles, from passenger cars, trucks and…
Processes4Planet - Europäische Partnerschaft für nachhaltige Prozesse
The Processes4Planet (P4Planet) Partnership aim is to transform the European process industries to achieve circularity and overall climate neutrality at the EU level by 2050 while enhancing their global competitiveness. The spirit of the…
Made in Europe - Europäische Partnerschaft für nachhaltige Produktion
The Made in Europe Partnership aims to be the voice and driver for sustainable manufacturing in Europe based on joined expertise and resources. Its goal is to boost European manufacturing ecosystems towards global leadership in technology, towards…
Neuseeland: MBIE - Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Innovation und Beschäftigung
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) plays a central role in shaping and delivering a strong New Zealand economy. The Ministry develops and delivers policy, services, advice and regulation to support business growth and the…
Argentinien: Außenministerium
Die Homepage des argentinischen Außenministeriums (span. Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto de la República Argentina, engl. Ministry of Foreign Relations & Worship) informiert - in spanischer und englischer Sprache - zur internationalen…
Australien: Bildungsministerium
The Department of Education formed in 2022 was split from the preceding Department of Education, Skills and Employment. It contributes to Australia’s economic prosperity and social wellbeing by creating opportunities and driving better outcomes…
Neuseeland: Bildungsministerium
Das Ministry of Education ist für das gesamte neuseeländische Bildungssystem verantwortlich. Im primären und sekundären Bildungssektor ist das Ministerium für inhaltliche und strategische Vorgaben verantwortlich. Im tertiären Bereich hat es die…
Brasilien: MDIC - Ministerium für Industrie, Handel und Dienstleistungen
Established in 1999, the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Services (port. Ministério da Indústria, Comércio e Serviços, MDIC) is responsible for the following subjects:
- Development policy on industry, trade and services;
- Intellectual property and…