StartseiteAktuellesNachrichtenCeremony of National Energy Globe Award Uzbekistan 2013 at ZEF

Ceremony of National Energy Globe Award Uzbekistan 2013 at ZEF

ZEF (Center for Development Research, University of Bonn) is very proud that it has been granted the National Energy Globe Award Uzbekistan 2013 with its project "Economic and Ecological Restructuring of Land- and Water Use in the Region Khorezm, Uzbekistan”. The Energy Globe Award is one of the world's largest platforms for sustainability.

The project "Economic and Ecological Restructuring of Land- and Water Use in the Region Khorezm (Uzbekistan)”, which was headed by Prof. Dr.  Paul Vlek from ZEFc, has won the National Energy Globe Award Uzbekistan 2013. The Energy Globe Award is one of the world's largest platforms for sustainability. Over 100 countries sent a total of 1,051 entries for the competition.

An international jury, chaired by Maneka Gandhi, has evaluated all submissions and selected the national winners. The national winners are also still running for the international award. The international winners will be announced later.

The projects of all national Energy Globe winners will be presented officially on June 5, the UN’s World Environment Day, to a global public on

ZEF's project in Uzbekistan

The project, which was funded by the Federal German Ministry for Research and Education (BMBF), was run in Uzbekistan by ZEF and its local partners such as the State University of Urgench and with the friendly support of UNESCO from 2002-2011.

Sustainability by local follow-up structures
Since then, a consortium consisting of UNESCO, the State University of Urgench and Krass (Khorezm Rural Advisory Support Service - an NGO created with project alumni), has been following up on the project. It will disseminate findings in and beyond the region until around 2020 in cooperation with international institutions.

In addition, a UNESCO chair for sustainable development has been established at the State University of Urgench, thus introducing innovative curricula on sustainable land and water management. The appointed chair holder of this prestigious chair is Prof. Dr. Paul Vlek from ZEFc, and executive director of WASCAL.

Human capacities

Thirty-five students have obtained their doctoral degree within the framework of the project, in addition to 105 Master students and around 200 Bachelor students who finished their respective studies. The students came mainly from the region.

The project has thus created enormous human and institutional capacities which will have a long-term and positive impact on sustainable development in the region.

More information

For more information on ZEF's project in Uzbekistan please look at the project's Website. You can also watch a 20-minute documentary movie on the ZEF youtube channel. 

Quelle: ZEF - Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Usbekistan Themen: Energie Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen
