StartseiteAktuellesNachrichtenDänemark: Neue Behörde im Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Innovation und Hochschulbildung

Dänemark: Neue Behörde im Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Innovation und Hochschulbildung

Die Behörde für Hochulbildung und Bildungsunterstützung und die Behörde für Internationalisierung der Universitäten werden fusioniert. Die daraus neu entstandene Einrichtung, Dänische Behörde für Hochschuldbildung, wird ab dem ersten Oktober in Kraft treten.

Two of the Ministry’s agencies, the Agency for Higher Education and Educational Support and the Agency for Universities and Internationalisation are merged into to one agency.

After the Parliament election in 2011 all higher education institutions were placed under the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education and organised in two agencies; the Agency for Higher Education and Educational Support and the Agency for Universities and Internationalisation.

From 1 October 2013 the two agencies are merged into one agency: The Danish Agency for Higher Education.

The new agency should strengthen the synergy and the further development of holistic thinking within the area of education.

The current deputy permanent secretary in the Ministry’s department Nils Agerhus has been appointed director general for the new agency.

Nils Agerhus has been employed in the Ministry since 2001, first as head of offices working with innovation policy and research policy and then in the Political Centre before being appointed deputy permanent secretary in 2009.

Nils Agerhus will begin in his new job as director general for the agency 1 October 2013.

Quelle: Dänemark - Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Dänemark Themen: Bildung und Hochschulen Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen
