StartseiteAktuellesNachrichtenEU-Projekt LEADERSHIP veröffentlicht Dokumente zur lateinamerikanischen IKT-Landschaft

EU-Projekt LEADERSHIP veröffentlicht Dokumente zur lateinamerikanischen IKT-Landschaft

Das EU-Projekt zur Förderung von IKT-Forschungs- und Innovationspartnerschaften mit Lateinamerika LEADERSHIP hat mehrere Dokumente und Studien zur lateinamerikanischen IKT-Landschaft sowie zu Forschungs- und Innovationskooperationen veröffentlicht. Darunter vier umfängliche Studien sowie verschiedene Überblicksdarstellungen, welche die Ergebnisse zusammenfassen. Alle Dokumente sind über die Projekt-Homepage freizugänglich.

LEADERSHIP launches new publications to provide an overview of the Latin American ICT landscape

The LEADERSHIP project shares its recent publications aimed at enhancing Europe-Latin America research & innovation cooperation in ICT as well as providing an overview of the Latin American ICT landscape.

With support from the LAC-ICT Expert Group and from other relevant ICT stakeholders and decision makers, the LEADERSHIP consortium has produced three Input Papers on LAC Digital Agendas, ICT Regulations and Funding Mechanisms, as well as a report on ICT R&I priorities. One of the results of this work is the identification of 122 main programs and financing mechanisms totalling US$ 20,456 million, of which 33 % are open to Europeans.

The main findings and conclusions of the above documents are synthesized in the following publications:

  • White book for EU-LAC R&I cooperation in ICT. In 12 pages, the White Book highlights main findings and recommendations on LAC Digital Agendas, ICT Regulations, Funding Mechanisms and ICT R&I priorities. 
  • Policy Briefs on LAC Digital Agendas, Funding Mechanisms and ICT Regulations. In less than 14 pages, each Policy Brief provides key insights, results and recommendations to enhance EU-LAC R&I cooperation in ICT. 
  • Country briefs for EU-LAC R&I cooperation in ICT. In less than 20 pages, each country brief provides an overview of the ICT landscape in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico.
Quelle: CORDIS - Nachrichten Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: EU Argentinien Brasilien Chile Kolumbien Mexiko Venezuela Themen: Information u. Kommunikation Innovation
