StartseiteAktuellesNachrichtenExekutivdirektor für SASSCAL gesucht

Exekutivdirektor für SASSCAL gesucht

Die Southern African Science Service Centre for Climate Change and Adaptive Land Management (SASSCAL) ist eine gemeinsame regionale Initiative von Angola, Botswana, Deutschland, Namibia, Südafrika und Sambia. Sie befasst sich mit dem globalen Wandel im südlichen Afrika, insbesondere mit Bezug auf den Klimawandel und die Auswirkungen auf Wasser, Biodiversität, Landwirtschaft und Forstwirtschaft.

The Southern African Science Service Centre for Climate Change and Adaptive Land Management (SASSCAL) is a joint regional initiative between Angola, Botswana, Germany, Namibia, South Africa and Zambia to deal with global change affecting Southern Africa, specifically with reference to Climate Change and its impact on Water, Biodiversity, Agriculture, and Forestry.

The initiative focuses on research, capacity development and the provision of appropriate services and products aimed at mitigating and/or dealing with some of the likely impacts of Climate Change. SASSCAL is a non-profit company limited by guarantee under Namibian law, with a secretariat based in Windhoek, Namibia, coupled with national nodes in each of the five Southern African countries.

SASSCAL is looking for an individual who has senior management experience in professional services, with strong communication and change management skills, extensive experience and ability to deal with culturally diverse groups of people. The Executive Director will be accountable to a board of directors. The successful candidate is expected to set-up and manage the regional secretariat, comprised of a professional team, which s/he will coordinate together with the SASSCAL national offices. S/he will also be responsible for promoting the ‘regionality’ of the initiative, with and amongst other stakeholders and partners.

Basic Requirements:

  • At least a Masters degree in natural science or relevant social sciences.
  • At least four years experience in managing large-scale multi-disciplinary research initiatives
  • Strong strategic and visionary leadership to keep a diverse SASSCAL team energised and achieving impact
  • Special Requirements
  • A good understanding of the research and policy dynamics in the SADC Region,
  • Ability to mobilise the international scientific, developmental and funding institutions.
  • Clear understanding of the global change policy issues, including the development of international financing arrangements and governance arrangement.


  • To manage SASSCAL´s Regional Secretariat
  • To provide effective secretarial services to the Governing Board.
  • To oversee the development and implementation of SASSCAL´s strategies Science Plan and programmes.
  • To ensure that the National Nodes contribute to the achievement of SASSCAL´s strategies and programmes.
  • To mobilise additional funds and partners to achieve SASSCAL´s objectives.
  • To ensure that SASSCAL is responsive to the requirements of the stakeholders.
  • To establish regional programme planning and management practices, incorporating high level monitoring and evaluation of achievements.

Salary & benefits:

An attractive package inclusive of salary and benefits is negotiable based on educational qualification and experience.

All applications should be submitted electronically to

Project Management Agency,
German Aerospace Center,
Heinrich-Konen-Str. 1,
53227 Bonn, Germany,
c/o Mr Gabin Ananou
Tel. +49(0)22838211513

by 10 February 2013.

All applications should be supported by a letter of interest
indicating why you feel you could/ should be selected for the post as well as a comprehensive CV, certified copies of all qualifications, and three letters of recommendations.

Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Angola Deutschland Namibia Region südliches Afrika Südafrika Themen: Fachkräfte Umwelt u. Nachhaltigkeit

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