StartseiteAktuellesNachrichtenFinnland: Modellbezirk Fisku Kalasatama - Pilotprojekt zur Umsetzung von "Smart-City"-Konzepten

Finnland: Modellbezirk Fisku Kalasatama - Pilotprojekt zur Umsetzung von "Smart-City"-Konzepten

Innovation aus der Praxis

In Helsinki entsteht seit 2009 der Modellbezirk Fiksu Kalasatama. Bis 2030 sollen hier in Kooperation von Stadt, ansässigen Unternehmen und Einwohner sowie unter Einbeziehung von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie intelligente urbane Strukturen entwickelt werden. Das Projekt ist das erste seine Art im Rahmen des "Smart Cities Programm" der finnischen Technologie- und Innovationsförderagentur Tekes. Insgesamt soll durch das Projekt Wohnraum für 20.000 Einwohner und 8.000 neue Jobs geschaffen werden. Die gewonnen Daten werden freizugänglich veröffentlicht.

Fiksu Kalasatama - Model District of Smart Urban Development

Helsinki’s Kalasatama area is being built into a worldclass model district of smart urban development. The area is developed through agile piloting, and the use of ICT technology and data.

Fiksu Kalasatama ("Smart" Kalasatama) grows from the collaboration between the city, companies and residents. The aim is to inspire residential participation and create new business and innovations.  

The Fiksu Kalasatama development environment that joins together the research, development and innovation activities of businesses, and the development of city services. Companies and the city bring their projects to the mix; the ideas are being developed, tested and composed together with the inhabitants and those working in the area.  

Fiksu Kalasatama will offer a platform to utilize open data. Open data refers to data that can be freely used, reused and redistributed by anyone. It is unrefined information or data sets owned by government, businesses, organizations or private individuals alike.  

Wide co-operation  

By the end of 2014, the work in Kalasatama focuses on creating models, structures and other prerequisites central to the further development activities. Forum Virium Helsinki manages the project as a subcontractor of the city. The unit in charge is the Urban Development Economic and Planning Centre of the City of Helsinki.  

The Fiksu Kalasatama involves the central actors in the City of Helsinki and a group of businesses with development operations in the area. Tekes – the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation – has a Smart City program and Fiksu Kalasatama is its first pilot project.    

The Kalasatama area will continue to be built all the way to the 2030s. A total of 20,000 inhabitants will live in the area, and 8,000 jobs are expected.

Quelle: Invest in Finland - R&D and Innovation News Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Finnland Themen: Information u. Kommunikation Innovation

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