StartseiteAktuellesNachrichtenGeneral Motors und St. Petersburg unterzeichnen Absichtserklärung zur Stärkung des Automobilstandortes

General Motors und St. Petersburg unterzeichnen Absichtserklärung zur Stärkung des Automobilstandortes

General Motors (GM) und die Administration der Stadt St. Petersburg haben am 30. September eine Absichtserklärung zur Stärkung der Forschung und Entwicklung (FuE) im Cluster St. Petersburg unterzeichnet. Die Übereinkunft wurde im Rahmen des "St. Petersburg Innovation Forum" erzielt. Der Schwerpunkt der Kooperation soll auf gemeinsamen Forschungsprojekten, dem Austausch von Professoren sowie der Ausarbeitung von Ausbildungsprogrammen liegen. Dies geht aus folgender englischsprachigen Pressemitteilung hervor.

General Motors and the Government of St. Petersburg signed a memorandum of understanding to work together on automotive technology to help sustain growth in the Russian auto industry.

The memorandum on industrial, engineering and research cooperation was signed within the framework of IV St. Petersburg International Innovation Forum. It covers development of jointly supported research projects, exploring opportunities for exchange of relevant academic and scientific information, visits and exchange between professors, scientists and students and co-development of educational programs in automotive technology.

This long-term prospective cooperation started at III St. Petersburg International Innovation Forum in 2010. Under the current program, leading, universities in St. Petersburg are conducting applied research and development in the automotive industry, including training young scientists at GM in research and technical centers in the United States.

"The GM Global R&D Center in Michigan has been established and successfully operates exactly for this purpose. In a joint project with the Government and universities of St. Petersburg,” said Jim Bovenzi, president and managing director of General Motors Russia and CIS.

"We plan to expand our research capacity and share experience. This mutually beneficial cooperation enables young professionals to realize their potential and gain valuable experience and General Motors to get the inflow of fresh ideas and skilled young people," Bovenzi said.

Said Mikhail Oseevsky, Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg – Head of the Governor’s Administration of St. Petersburg: "This cooperation is the first step towards the creation of the first R&D center in the automotive industry, in St. Petersburg and in Russia as well. This is an important input to the automotive cluster of our city."

Quelle: General Motors Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Russland Themen: Mobilität Infrastruktur
