Der indische Minister für Wissenschaft und Technologie, Ashutosh Sharma, erklärte gegenüber The Hindu, dass mit dem neuen Stipendium einem brain drain in Indien entgegengewirkt werden soll:
- “We have found that scholars are more vulnerable to go abroad after their PhD degree [...] There are many universities and institutes abroad that offer the PhD graduates post-doctoral opportunities. This is why we have embarked upon this scheme. Once they get a post-doctoral fellowship in India for three years, they can continue with their research and get prepared for a job in Indian institutes and universities. Once they bag a job, the chances of their going abroad are less.”
Die Förderung setzt sich zusammen aus einer monatlichen Zuwendung von 50.000 Indischen Rupien (INR, umgerechnet ca. 665 Euro) sowie einer jährlichen Forschungsunterstützung von 700.000 INR (ca. 9.320 Euro).
Zum Nachlesen:
- University World News (02.04.2016): Government to fund science scholars’ post-doc research
- The Hindu (28.03.2016): Government to fund science scholars’ post-doc research