StartseiteAktuellesNachrichtenInternational Conference on Sustainable Management of Africa&#39s Natural Resources in Ghana

International Conference on Sustainable Management of Africa&#39s Natural Resources in Ghana

Creating a nexus between research and policy for sustainable management of natural resources in Africa

5 - 8 December 2011, Accra, Ghana

The United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (UNU-INRA)’s mission is to strengthen the capacity of Africa's universities and research institutions to conduct research and produce well-trained, well-equipped and motivated individuals. These individuals should be capable of developing, adapting and disseminating technologies that advance food security and promote conservation and the efficient use of the continent's natural resources for sustainable development. To this end, UNU-INRA is announcing an international conference that it wishes to organize to highlight new research and community engagement on sustainable natural resource management and use. In addition, INRA will showcase its part achievements in the past 25 years and look at new areas of research for the sustainable development of Africa’s natural resource management.

This four-day bilingual (French/English) conference is a landmark event focusing on evolving approaches, tools, methods and principles addressing the challenges associated with increasing natural resource use and sustainable development in Africa. It will feature keynote speakers from across the continent and from other parts of the world. The conference will also provide the space for creative exchange of ideas, for networking and for forging collaboration between African researchers, corporate leaders, policy makers, media, and civil society groups.

Conference Objectives:

  1. Take stock of UNU-INRA achievements and accomplishments over the past 25 years and chart a new course for future research, training and capacity development in Africa;
  2. Identify challenges and opportunities for research and collaboration with African universities, research institutions and the private sector for natural resource management in the continent;
  3. Create the platform for dialogue and help mobilize the African perspectives on the development of natural resources for the Rio +20 conference on sustainable development in 2012
  4. Forge links with the private sector in the context of judicious natural resource management.

Themes to be explored include:

  1. Harnessing land and water resources;
  2. Developing biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services;
  3. Promoting and nurturing a Green Economy;
  4. Governing the extractive industries.

Please indicate your interest and intention to participate in this conference by completing the attached form and returning it to Mr. Harris Andoh, by e-mail: andoh(at) and copied to andoharris(at) or by Fax + 233-302-500792

Deadline July 31, 2011

Full details of the conference can be found at and .

Limited funding is available to cover full and/or partial costs of attending this conference. See the attached proposal form for further details.




Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: UNESCO sonstige Länder Themen: Energie Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen Geowissenschaften Grundlagenforschung Umwelt u. Nachhaltigkeit
