StartseiteAktuellesNachrichtenItalien: Bildungsministerium fördert Verbreitung der Wissenschaftskultur

Italien: Bildungsministerium fördert Verbreitung der Wissenschaftskultur

Italien fördert die Verbreitung von Wissenschaftskultur und Wissen in der Gesellschaft. Dazu hat das Ministerium für Bildung, Hochschulen und Forschung zwei Förderbekanntmachungen - beide mit einem Volumen von je etwa sechs Millionen Euro für Einrichtungen und Projekte - veröffentlicht.

Scientific culture dissemination: MIUR launches 2 calls worth over €12 million overall

To promote dissemination of scientific knowledge and to bring citizens and students closer to research by financing institutions and projects having educational, didactic and dissemination purposes. These are the objectives of the 2 calls for scientific culture dissemination published by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR). The overall budget allocated exceeds €12 million.

The Call for three-year fund for the period 2015-2017, of approximately €6 million and 266 thousand, aims to support the functioning of institutions involved in the dissemination of science and the valorization of the historical and scientific heritage. The call is open to institutions, scientific bodies, foundations and consortia with considerable experience in the field. The fund will be provided to the selected subjects in the form of a three-year grant covering the 80% of the operating costs of the institutions.

The Call for annual funds and Programme Agreements and Arrangements, worth €6 million and 650 thousand, aims to support initiatives promoted by schools and other public and private subjects, including exhibitions, editorial and multimedia contents, conferences, setting up of new science and technology institutions and science centres, educational and continuing professional development activities for museums and centres involved in the field of dissemination. The budget is divided into three funding forms:

  • €2 million and 600 thousands for annual projects, destined to schools;
  • €1 million and 400 thousand for annual projects, destined to subjects other than schools;
  • €2 million and 650 thousand destined to agreements and arrangements with public and private subjects.

The contribution covers the 80% of the eligible costs in all cases, with the exception of school annual projects, for which the contribution covers 100% of costs.

It will be possible to submit applications to the calls starting from July 14 on the Sirio portal. The deadline is 6 August 2015.

Quelle: Ministerium für Bildung, Universitäten und Forschung - Italien Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Italien Themen: Förderung Ethik, Recht, Gesellschaft Bildung und Hochschulen sonstiges / Querschnittsaktivitäten

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