StartseiteAktuellesNachrichtenNorwegen: Forschungzentrum für arktische Erdölförderung eröffnet

Norwegen: Forschungzentrum für arktische Erdölförderung eröffnet

Mit dem neuen Forschungszentrum ARCEx sollen weitere Fortschritte bei der Erforschung der Erdölressourcen in der Arktis erzielt und neues Wissen über umweltfreundliche Methoden und Technologien generiert werden. Das ARCEx soll als Schlüsselinitiative zu einer forschungsbasierten industriellen Entwicklung im Norden des Landes beitragen.

Arctic petroleum research centre launched

The Research Centre for Arctic Petroleum Exploration (ARCEx) is affiliated with UiT The Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø. The centre will generate new knowledge about the exploitation of petroleum resources in the northern areas and the Arctic. Activities will also include the development of methodologies and technology for environmentally sound exploration in the Arctic. The ARCEx centre is funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs via the Research Council of Norway. The centre's activities will be based on extensive national and international cooperation. Many of the centre's industrial partners will be contributing funding as well. Researcher training and dissemination activities will also be given high priority.

An eye to industrial development in the northern areas

"Being selected to host a research centre like ARCEx is a major accomplishment and we have high expectations regarding what the centre will contribute", said Fridtjof Fossum Unander at the opening of the ARCEx in Tromsø recently. Mr Unander is Executive Director of the Research Council's Division for Energy, Resources and the Environment. The Research Council has defined the northern areas and the Arctic as one of its priority focus areas, added Mr Unander, and the ARCEx centre is a key initiative in this context. "The centre has the important task of contributing to research-based industrial development in North Norway. At the same time the investment here must be supported by a nationwide focus on generating new knowledge in which the entire Norwegian research community and all relevant sectors take part," emphasised Mr Unander.

Sustainable utilisation of resources

The centre was formally opened by Minister of Petroleum and Energy Tord Lien. In his remarks the Minister stressed the importance of further developing technology and routines in order to minimise the impacts and risks of petroleum activities in the Arctic environment. "This will make it possible to ensure that resources are utilised sustainably," said Mr Lien. "The essential ingredients are cooperation, knowledge, creativity and innovation. And ARCEx will play a pivotal role in all of this."

Quelle: The Research Council of Norway Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Norwegen Themen: Geowissenschaften Engineering und Produktion Infrastruktur

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