StartseiteAktuellesNachrichtenNorwegisch-Indische Forschungskooperation in Erneuerbaren Energien

Norwegisch-Indische Forschungskooperation in Erneuerbaren Energien

Englischer Artikel zur Förderung mit 18 Millionen Norwegischer Kronen für drei bilaterale Projekte durch den Norwegischen Forschungsrat.

Norwegian-Indian research cooperation on renewable energy

The Research Council of Norway has allocated NOK 18 million to three research projects involving Norwegian and Indian partners on topics ranging from geothermal energy and CO2 storage to wave energy converters.

India’s dynamic technology circles make attractive partners for their Norwegian counterparts in the research and business sectors. 

Norway’s participation in research cooperation with India is administered primarily by the Research Council’s Programme for Research Cooperation with India (INDNOR). 

Exciting project collaboration

In 2011 the Research Council announced funding for cooperative projects on clean energy and carbon capture and storage (CCS) under the auspices of the INDNOR programme and the Large-scale Programme Clean Energy for the Future (RENERGI). The call for proposals required that the projects incorporate both Norwegian and Indian partners who would cooperate on research and development with commercial potential. Thirteen grant applications were received in response to the call. 

Rune Volla “The applications showed that broad-based cooperation between Norwegian and Indian research circles already exists, which bodes well for future cooperation. The three projects that will now receive funding are in the areas of geology and wave energy. All of them have great potential for technological breakthroughs and commercial applications in both countries,” says Rune Volla, Director of the Department for Energy under the Division for Energy, Resources and the Environment at the Research Council. 

The projects have been granted a total of NOK 18 million in funding over a three-year period beginning in 2012.

Quelle: Research Council of Norway Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Indien Norwegen Themen: Energie Wirtschaft, Märkte Förderung

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