Die sowohl von OECD-internen als auch externen Autoren verfassten englischsprachigen Beiträge reichen dabei von Themen wie klimabezogener Entwicklungsfinanzierung über das Verhältnis von Wirtschaftswachstum und Klimaschutz bis hin zu Strategien zur Abschwächung des Klimawandels.
Die Artikel im Einzelnen:
- A big year for development
- A clearer picture of climate-related development finance
- Air pollution and diesel: from theory to practice
- Can you have your green cake and eat it too? Environmental policies as an ingredient for economic growth
- Climate change: Price carbon now, before low-cost oil says “ciao”
- Climate, Carbon, COP21 and Beyond
- Dear Coal: it’s not you, it’s me…
- “Ecological Footprint” leaving a trail at OECD
- Green and growing, or ripe and rotting?
- If this is a war on emissions, governments need a strong arsenal
- In the absence of Marty and Doc’s time machine…
- Investing in the future: People, planet, prosperity
- Redefining an industrial revolution: OECD 2015 Green Growth and Sustainable Development Forum (14-15 December 2015, Paris)
- Saving every drop: How the OECD reduces its environmental footprint
- The Earth Statement: for an ambitious, science-based, equitable outcome to COP21 in Paris
- The Haze Surrounding Climate Mitigation Statistics
- Two secrets concerning a value chain approach to corporate climate change risk-management