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Polen: Wissenschaftsministerin Lena Kolarska-Bobińska stellt neues System zur Auswahl von Gutachtern vor

In einem Brief an die Hochschulrektoren stellte die polnische Wissenschaftsministerin Lena Kolarska-Bobińska unterstützende Maßnahmen für die Auswahl von Gutachtern von wissenschaftlichen Publikationen und bei Stellenbesetzungen vor. Mit dem neu vorgestellten System soll zukünftig die Effizienz und Transparenz an polnischen Hochschulen verbessert werden.

Minister of Science on solutions to assist in the selection of reviewers

In a letter to the rectors, Minister of Science Lena Kolarska-Bobińska presented the "Support system for the selection of reviewers" and other solutions to help in the selection of reviewers of scientific papers and recruitment for positions in universities. PAP received a copy of the letter.

In an interview with journalists, when talking about the procedure for awarding degrees, the minister admitted: "Staff and students report cases of conflict of interest, abuse, lack of transparency. We need to clear the atmosphere, but also improve the procedure at universities". She pointed out that the ministry has prepared a multi-stage program of activities that need to be implemented quickly. "Some legal solutions already exist, but they are very poorly applied at universities" - commented the minister. She emphasized that in order to avoid suspicions and fears of favouritism at universities, competitions for positions should be organized in a transparent way.

In a letter to the university rectors, Minister Kolarska-Bobińska presented solutions to help in the selection of reviewers of scientific papers - that help maintain the transparency and efficiency of the process.

Among these tools, Kolarska-Bobińska mentioned the "Support system for the selection of reviewers" - a database developed at the National Information Processing Institute. This database collects information about potential reviewers and proposes reviewers appropriate for a specific papers or research grant applications.

This tool can be used without logging in, but most of its features are available after creating an account. The Institute will send individual logins and passwords to the deans in November.

Minister reminded of the obligation to publish doctoral dissertation abstracts and reviews online. She noted that it promotes transparency in the procedures related to reviewing scientific papers. Abstract is published on the date the council of unit accepts doctoral dissertation, and reviews - on the date they are submitted by the reviewers. Abstract and reviews should remain on the website at least until the doctoral degree is conferred.

The obligation to publish the reviews results from the provisions of the Law on Academic Degrees and Title and Degrees and Title in the Arts.

Kolarska-Bobińska also reminded that due process of selection of academic staff is required to improve the scientific and educational potential of universities. That is the purpose of competitions.

The competitions should be advertised on websites of universities, Ministry of Science ( and the supervisory minister of the institution, as well as on the websites of the European Commission.

"This obligation, which now applies to universities, will soon be extended to include research institutes and institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences. This will become applicable upon the entry into force of the amendment of the Act on Principles of Financing Science" - added the head of the science ministry.

Publication of information on open calls and competitions for positions will be easier with the new tab "Open calls and competitions" on the website in the Public Information Bulletin of the Ministry of Science.

"I am confident that the new tools, as well as compliance with the rules on the online publication of reviews, notices of open calls and competitions will help to ensure even better quality of the institutions" - emphasized the Minister.

PAP - Science and Scholarship in Poland

Quelle: Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Polen Themen: Bildung und Hochschulen Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen

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