StartseiteAktuellesNachrichtenRussland: Skoltech nimmt an Startup Tour 2014 teil

Russland: Skoltech nimmt an Startup Tour 2014 teil

Die Russische Startup Tour 2014 hat das Ziel, Startup-Gesellschaften, bestehend aus Vertretern aus Wissenschaft und Industrie sowie Investoren und jungen Talenten, in allen größeren Städten in Russland zu etablieren.

The Russian Startup Tour 2014 is a joint tour run by several institutes for development, organised with the aim of forming startup communities in major Russian cities. This year, the tour will be taking place in 26 different towns. It will start on the 20th January 2014 in Tolyatti and end on the 18th April 2014 in Saint Petersburg.

Representing Skoltech on the Russian Startup Tour 2014 will be Mikhail Myagkov, Skoltech Vice President for Academic Affairs. In the course of the tour Mikhail will be meeting with university and regional administration heads.

Skoltech is participating for the second time in this initiative. The programme of events of the University this year will include:

  • Presentations detailing the opportunities that Skoltech can provide to students and young scientists
  • Discussion about methods of partnership with directors of Higher Education institutions and scientific centres
  • Formation of strategic partnerships with local administrations

Themes for discussion will be as follows: the integration of the best international educational practices into the Russian education system (including, among others, the CDIO Introduction to Engineering Standard); Skolteсh's cooperation with Higher Education institutions and scientific centres (to include joint research, founding of start-up companies, internship programmes, distance-learning); Skoltech's support system for promising science-based youth entrepreneurial projects; current aims and requirements of industry and small regional enterprise when seeking highly-qualified personnel.

Goal of the Russian Startup Tour: the creation of startup communities in each town, consisting of young, talented entrepreneurs and creators of innovative projects, investors, science park representatives and directors of regional Higher Education and scientific institutions. During the course of the tour, researchers, entrepreneurs and scientists working on the development of high-tech products with the goal of their future commercialisation will learn about the existing systems of support, development and opportunities for financial backing that institutes for development, along with state and regional powers, can provide. There will also be a competitive shortlisting of the best regional high-tech startups (companies), who will, additionally, be considered later on in the year for participation in the annual Russian conference of entrepreneurs and innovators -'Startup Village' (2-3 June 2014, Skolkovo Innovation Center).

Quelle: Skoltech - Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Russland Themen: Bildung und Hochschulen Wirtschaft, Märkte
