StartseiteAktuellesNachrichtenTOSCA Project Final Conference, 23rd - 25th February 2011, Leipzig, Germany

TOSCA Project Final Conference, 23rd - 25th February 2011, Leipzig, Germany

The TOSCA Project (Technology Options and Strategies towards Climate friendly transport; funded by EC-FP7) identifies promising technology and fuel pathways to reduce transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions through midcentury. In the dissemination workshop, the results of TOSCA will be presented and future research needs for the European transport sector will be discussed. DBFZ is working on the project as a member of an international consortium.

The first full day will present the key findings of this project. Core outcomes of the project include:

  • Techno-economic characteristics of promising low-greenhouse gas emission transportation technologies (all major modes)
  • Promising low-greenhouse gas emission fuel options
  • Scenarios describing the future evolution of the European transportation sector
  • Assessment of policy options promoting low GHG emission technologies and fuels

On 25 February, the TOSCA results will be complemented with those from other European transportation projects to identify future research needs. The latter will be discussed in parallel sessions that serve to inform a subsequent final plenary session in which a joint statement on the need for future low-greenhouse gas emission transportation research will be formulated.

For more information on the TOSCA project and the detailed Leipzig conference agenda, see

Quelle: Deutsches BiomasseForschungsZentrum Redaktion: von Miguel Krux, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: EU Deutschland Themen: Mobilität Umwelt u. Nachhaltigkeit
