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Berichte und Studien

Hier finden Sie Berichte und Studien zu Bildungs-, Forschungs- und Innovationssystemen weltweit, mit fachlichem und/oder regionalem Fokus.


Erscheinungsdatum: September 2014 Fachberichte und -studien

European Competitiveness Report 2014

The European Competitiveness Report, published annually since 1997, gives a quantitative assessment of the competitive performance of EU industries. It contributes to evidence-based policy-making by looking at knowledge gaps in industrial policy.…

Erscheinungsdatum: 03.09.2014 Länderberichte und -studien

Atlas zu Wissenschaft und Innovation in der Islamischen Welt (AIWSI): Indonesien

The Indonesia Country Study is the most-recently published study in the "Atlas of Islamic-World Science and Innovation" series. This study explores the changing landscape of science and innovation across a diverse selection of countries with large…

Erscheinungsdatum: September 2014 Länderberichte und -studien

ERAWATCH Länderbericht 2013 - Kroatien

The Analytical Country Reports analyse and assess in a structured manner the evolution of the national policy research and innovation in the perspective of the wider EU strategy and goals, with a particular focus on the performance of the national…

Erscheinungsdatum: September 2014 Länderberichte und -studien

ERAWATCH Länderbericht 2013 - Zypern

The Analytical Country Reports analyse and assess in a structured manner the evolution of the national policy research and innovation in the perspective of the wider EU strategy and goals, with a particular focus on the performance of the national…

Erscheinungsdatum: September 2014 Länderberichte und -studien

ERAWATCH Länderbericht 2013 - Malta

The Analytical Country Reports analyse and assess in a structured manner the evolution of the national policy research and innovation in the perspective of the wider EU strategy and goals, with a particular focus on the performance of the national…

Erscheinungsdatum: September 2014 Länderberichte und -studien

ERAWATCH Länderbericht 2013 - Ungarn

The Analytical Country Reports analyse and assess in a structured manner the evolution of the national policy research and innovation in the perspective of the wider EU strategy and goals, with a particular focus on the performance of the national…

Erscheinungsdatum: September 2014 Länderberichte und -studien

ERAWATCH Länderbericht 2013 - Belgien

The Analytical Country Reports analyse and assess in a structured manner the evolution of the national policy research and innovation in the perspective of the wider EU strategy and goals, with a particular focus on the performance of the national…

Erscheinungsdatum: September 2014 Länderberichte und -studien

ERAWATCH Länderbericht 2013 - Bulgarien

The Analytical Country Reports analyse and assess in a structured manner the evolution of the national policy research and innovation in the perspective of the wider EU strategy and goals, with a particular focus on the performance of the national…

Erscheinungsdatum: September 2014 Länderberichte und -studien

ERAWATCH Länderbericht 2013 - Griechenland

The Analytical Country Reports analyse and assess in a structured manner the evolution of the national policy research and innovation in the perspective of the wider EU strategy and goals, with a particular focus on the performance of the national…

