Berichte und Studien
Hier finden Sie Berichte und Studien zu Bildungs-, Forschungs- und Innovationssystemen weltweit, mit fachlichem und/oder regionalem Fokus.
OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy: Peru 2011
This book provides a comprehensive assessment of the innovation system of Peru, focusing on the role of government. It provides concrete recommendations and identifies good practices on how to improve policies that affect innovation performance,…
Open Innovation and Public Policy in Europe
Industrial innovation processes are becoming more open. The large, vertically integrated R&D laboratory systems of the 20th century are giving way to more vertically disintegrated networks of innovation that connect numerous companies into…
GATE Germany (Hochschulen & Forschung): Länderprofil Indien
Das Länderprofil von GATE Germany, Konsortium internationales Hochschulmarketing, bietet deutschen Hochschulen und Bildungs- und Forschungseinrichtungen wichtige Hintergrundinformationen zum ausgewählten Zielland. Es dient als Unterstützung für…
Asia 2050
Asia is in the midst of a truly historic transformation. If it continues to grow on its recent trajectory, it could, by 2050, account for more than half of global Gross Domestic Product (GDP), trade and investment, and enjoy widespread affluence.
iMove Berufsbildungsexport: Marktstudie Türkei
Die iMOVE-Marktstudie Türkei für den Export beruflicher Aus- und Weiterbildung leistet eine praktische Orientierungs- und Entscheidungshilfe bei der Markterkundung.
Ausgehend von den wirtschaftlichen und politischen Rahmenbedingungen beleuchtet die…
UNCTAD: Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Review - Ghana
The Government of Ghana has ambitious plans for the country. On the back of strong economic growth throughout the past decade, it aims to graduate from low- to middle- income status in the next decade.
The Review is meant to offer an objective and…
Wissenschaftliche und technologische Zusammenarbeit zwischen Südostasien und Europa
The SEA-EU-NET project funded under the EU’s 7th Research Framework Programme aims to support both the S&T policy dialogue as well as stimulate concrete cooperation between researchers and research institutions between ASEAN countries and the…
Chile: Science, Technology and Innovation for the Development of Chile
For over four decades, the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research, CONICYT, has been the main driving force for the development of science and technology in Chile. In close association with universities, scientific and…
Developing Skills for Employability with German Partners - 8 Success Stories from Arab Countries
Erfolgsbeispiele Arabische Länder
Die englische iMOVE-Broschüre "Developing Skills for Employability with German Partners – 8 Success Stories from Arab Countries" stellt deutsche Bildungsanbieter mit konkreten Projekten im arabischen Raum vor.