Berichte und Studien
Hier finden Sie Berichte und Studien zu Bildungs-, Forschungs- und Innovationssystemen weltweit, mit fachlichem und/oder regionalem Fokus.
Gemeinsame Forschungsstelle der Europ. Kommission (JRC): Current challenges in fostering the European innovation ecosystem
This paper analyses key challenges for improving the European innovation ecosystem, notably the need to improve: (i) innovation performance to boost productivity growth, (ii) knowledge-intensive industrial activities, (iii) financing of highly…
ESCWA: Länderstudien National Technology Development and Transfer System (Ägypten, Libanon, Marokko, Oman, Tunesien)
The UN Development Account project “Establishment of National Technology Transfer Offices (NTTO) in Selected ESCWA member countries (Egypt, Lebanon, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman and Tunisia)” aims to enhance national innovation system capacity through…
OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2017
Mobilität, Cloud-Computing, das Internet der Dinge, künstliche Intelligenz und Big Data Analyse gehören zu den wichtigsten Technologien in der heutigen digitalen Wirtschaft. Gemeinsam führen sie eine Zukunft des „Smart Everything” und nehmen Einfluss…
OECD STI Scoreboard 2017: Country Highlights: Australien
With some 200 indicators drawing on the latest internationally comparable data, the 2017 edition of the OECD Science, Technology and Industry (STI) Scoreboard shows how the digital transformation affects science, innovation, the economy, and the way…
OECD STI Scoreboard 2017: Country Highlights: Österreich
With some 200 indicators drawing on the latest internationally comparable data, the 2017 edition of the OECD Science, Technology and Industry (STI) Scoreboard shows how the digital transformation affects science, innovation, the economy, and the way…
OECD STI Scoreboard 2017: Country Highlights: Belgien
With some 200 indicators drawing on the latest internationally comparable data, the 2017 edition of the OECD Science, Technology and Industry (STI) Scoreboard shows how the digital transformation affects science, innovation, the economy, and the way…
OECD STI Scoreboard 2017: Country Highlights: Kanada
With some 200 indicators drawing on the latest internationally comparable data, the 2017 edition of the OECD Science, Technology and Industry (STI) Scoreboard shows how the digital transformation affects science, innovation, the economy, and the way…
OECD STI Scoreboard 2017: Country Highlights: Chile
With some 200 indicators drawing on the latest internationally comparable data, the 2017 edition of the OECD Science, Technology and Industry (STI) Scoreboard shows how the digital transformation affects science, innovation, the economy, and the way…
OECD STI Scoreboard 2017: Country Highlights: Tschechische Republik
With some 200 indicators drawing on the latest internationally comparable data, the 2017 edition of the OECD Science, Technology and Industry (STI) Scoreboard shows how the digital transformation affects science, innovation, the economy, and the way…